Homo Sex Blog offers free photos of hot boys and men in solo and hardcore action. We know gay porn!

Gay Porn Blog


posted by gayporn David @ October.01.2008

Chaosmen description of this gayporn shoot:
When Chance answered a questionnaire about the types of modeling he would like to do, he indicated he wouldn't really be interested in nude stuff, 'cuz basically he didn't think he had a giant porn cock.

The friend that was encouraging him to come in and do a solo was persistent, and I finally got some updated pictures of him and was blown away.

This kid has got amazing bone structure, black hair, ice blue eyes, and a tight little body. This vehicle comes nicely equipped too.

And Chance loved doing the photos and the solo. Not because he got turned on by showing off, as some models do, but more that he just couldn't believe that I (and you, the audience) would think he is hot.

Very humble guy. He doesn't have low self-esteem, he just thinks he looks like "everyone else".

Well, he sure doesn't. I love this guy's look, and hope to get him back for more. He seemed curious, but not committed to taking on a dude. His cumshot was amazing, and we both started laughing when it just kept cumming and cumming!

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